Do you ever feel like you need a miracle to solve your challenges? Do you wish you had someone who could listen to you, understand you, and guide you to your desired destination? Do you feel hopeless and helpless, trapped in a cycle of frustration and despair? Do you want to live a life of purpose, joy, and fulfillment?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you are in the right place.

Welcome to Arize Triformation®, the ultimate platform for personal and organizational transformation!

We believe that Every Interaction is a Transformation.

It means every time you connect with us, you will experience a positive change in your life. Whether it’s a coaching session, a training program, or a consultation, we will help you get clarity and overcome your pressing challenges now with an approach that truly listens to what you want, so you can have your joy back.

We are not just another coaching and training company. It is a dream come true. Literally.



Our founders, Zel Chavez and Jin Macaranas, had a vision of creating a company that would be a catalyst of transformation for people from all walks of life. One day, Zel woke up from a dream where the name Arize Triformation was revealed to her. She shared it with Jin, and they realized that this was their calling. They decided to turn their dream into reality, and Arize Triformation® was born.

But that was not the end of their story. It was just the beginning.

Soon after, Zel reconnected with an old friend and colleague – a pivotal moment that came from a stroke of luck on social media. They found out that they were in the same industry space. They decided to join forces and collaborate. With this new partner on board, they were able to grow in leaps and bounds. Together, the team has over 60 years of combined leadership experience, learnings, expertise and network in various roles and industries.


Our founders, Zel Chavez and Jin Macaranas, had a vision of creating a company that would be a catalyst of transformation for people from all walks of life. One day, Zel woke up from a dream where the name Arize Triformation was revealed to her. She shared it with Jin, and they realized that this was their calling. They decided to turn their dream into reality, and Arize Triformation® was born.

But that was not the end of their story. It was just the beginning.

Soon after, Soon after, Zel reconnected with an old friend and colleague – a pivotal moment that came from a stroke of luck on social media. They found out that they were in the same industry space. They decided to join forces and collaborate. With this new partner on board, they were able to grow in leaps and bounds. Together, the team has over 60 years of combined leadership experience, learnings, expertise and network in various roles and industries.

We are a team of award-winning coaches and trainers who have helped thousands of individuals and organizations achieve their desired outcomes.

We are passionate, experienced, and fun.

We are not just your consultants, we are your partners in transformation.


We are your present-day empowerment genie - a one-stop shop for empowering, enabling, engaging, and developing people, teams and organizations.

We offer training and development programs using our proprietary three-dimensional approach Triformation® - the power of living, loving, and learning.


Arize Triformation® is based on a philosophy and lifestyle that we call Triformation®.

Triformation® is transformation through the power of intentional living, loving, and learning. These are the three fundamental designs of human existence, and the foundation of an empowered life.

We believe that intentional living, loving, and learning are the keys to achieving your goals and overcoming your obstacles. Whether you want to improve your personal life, your career, or your business, we have the solutions for you



Arize Triformation® is based on a philosophy and lifestyle that we call Triformation®.

Triformation® is transformation through the power of intentional living, loving, and learning. These are the three fundamental designs of human existence, and the foundation of an empowered life.

We believe that intentional living, loving, and learning are the keys to achieving your goals and overcoming your obstacles. Whether you want to improve your personal life, your career, or your business, we have the solutions for you.

Arize Triformation® is based on a philosophy and lifestyle that we call Triformation®.

Triformation® is transformation through the power of intentional living, loving, and learning. These are the three fundamental designs of human existence, and the foundation of an empowered life.

We believe that intentional living, loving, and learning are the keys to achieving your goals and overcoming your obstacles. Whether you want to improve your personal life, your career, or your business, we have the solutions for you.

Our plan



Enlist and schedule your appointment with us. It’s easy!


Allow us to create a customized plan for you based on your wants and preferences. We listen to you and we value you.


Start executing the plan together with our support and guidance. We are with you every step of the way.


Yield to your success and enjoy the benefits of transformation. You deserve it.

Don’t let your challenges stop you from living your best life. Join Arize Triformation® today and experience the power of every interaction being a transformation.

Take your first step to Triformation® here!


Triformation Pioneers

We are Propellers of Triformational Change, breathing and embodying the Triformation Principle

Empowerment Catalysts

We are Empowerment Catalysts & Breakers of Barriers, empowering individuals and organizations to reach their full potential by removing obstacles and unlocking latent capabilities.

Gratitude Architects

We intentionally design and construct a culture of gratitude, creating a space where appreciation form the blueprint for success, creating a thriving and harmonious work atmosphere

Advocates of Joyful Success

We advocate fun, profitability, and balance, fostering an environment where success is not only measured in profits but also in the joy of achievement and a harmonious work-life blending

Win-win Champions

We are win-win, creative, and committed partners, dedicated to creating mutually beneficial relationships. fostering creativity, and maintaining unwavering commitment to our partners

Customer-Centric Focused

We prioritize the needs and satisfaction of our clients, and consistently exceeding expectations through personalized solutions and exceptional service

Dynamic Learners

We are multi-faceted experts, advocates for lifelong learning, encouraging curiosity and sharing knowledge to provide comprehensive solutions and insights.

Integrity Guardians

We are upholders of ethical excellence, ensuring transparency, honesty, and integrity in all our interactions, both within the organization and with our clients

Community Contributors

We are community-centric stewards, recognizing our responsibility to contribute positively to the communites we operate in, promoting social responsibility and sustainability

Servant Leaders

We embody servanthood, approacing our work with a humble and collaborative spirit, recognizing the value of genuine partnerships and the collective strength from working together selflessly

Arize Triformation 2024 . All rights reserved.